Stress Levels in 2024 Rising to a Dangerous Point

with 52% of employees reporting high stress levels. This alarming trend is not just a personal issue but a business one. It's compromising productivity and longevity, which are crucial for any organization's success.

In 2024, will stress in the workplace or improvement in employee engagement win out?


Gallup Workplace culture

My Stress Buster Stress Management program is designed to benefit both businesses and people. It can be delivered to employees through Zoom or another video conferencing technology as a wellness program. The program comprises three segments of approximately one hour each and can be watched all in one viewing, but preferable in three one-hour sessions. Employees can also have individual sessions via phone, with the first session being approximately 90 minutes long.

Call for more information or availability.

Thank you, Jim Macy, Ph.D., MS

PS. This StressBuster program is available to individuals suffering from work, family, or personal stress or frustration issues.

PPS. Please pass this along to someone or a business you know who might find the program helpful.